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Full Text: Friends: I got promoted! I got engaged! I'm pregnant! Me: One more stamp on my rewards card and I get a free coffee. (Baby Yoda image) Features: Size: 7x7 inches Made from solid knotty...
Full Text: If I had a nickel for every time I got confused, I’d be like, “where’d this nickel come from?” So then there’d be another nickel, and I’d think, “what’s with all the nickels?” Leading to...
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I got 99 problems and I caused them all.
Size: 7x7 inches
Made from solid knotty pine
Flat edges for shelf-sitting
Routed slot in back for hanging
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I used to crastinate, but I got so good I went pro.
Size: 3.5x10 inches
Made from solid knotty pine
Flat edges for shelf-sitting
Routed slot in back for hanging
Full Text: I wasn't born at the beach, but I got here as soon as I could Features: Size: 7x18 inches Made from solid knotty pine Beveled edges Routed slot in back for hanging