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Full Text: "You're still a rockstar," I whisper to myself, as I take my multivitamin and get in bed at 9:00. Features: Size: 7x7 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging...
Full Text: One Minute You're Young And Fun. And Next, You're Turning Down The Stereo In Your Car To See Better Features: Size: 7x7 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging...
Full Text:
One minute you're young and carefree, then suddenly one day your knee can predict the weather.
Size: 3.5x10 inches
Made from solid knotty pine
Flat edges for...
Full Text: If you're not going to the hospital, you're getting back on! Features: Size: 7x7 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for hanging
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One minute you're young and cool, then the next thing you know you're out there taking pics of vegetables in your garden.
Size: 3.5x10 inches
Made from solid knotty...