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Full Text: Wherever you go, go with all your heart. - Confucius Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging plus flat edges for optional shelf-sitting
Full Text: It doesn't matter where you go in life...what you do...or how much you have... It's who you have beside you.Personalized! Send us the names you'd like in the heart, and we'll make a...
Full Text:
I hate when people ask me, "Where did all your money go?" Look, I either ate it or I'm wearing it.
Size: 3.5x10 inches
Made from solid knotty pine
Flat edges for...
Full Text: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Features: Size: 9x12 inches Made from solid knotty pine Beveled edges Routed slot in back for hanging
Full Text:
Remember! Only you can go fuck your self
Size: 9x12 inches
Made from solid knotty pine
Beveled edges
Routed slot in back for hanging