We do our best to represent colors accurately, but viewing screens vary from one to another, and from real life. If you'd like to order a set of color chips, please call 800-717-3031.
Full Text: Is motherf@%ker one or two words? (I'm writing a valentine.) Features: Size:7x7 Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging Flat edges for optional shelf-sitting
Full Text: A true friend is one you can sit with...not say a word...and feel like you had the best conversation ever Features: Size: 7x7 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for...
Full Text: What is this word "no" you speak of? Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for hanging
Our Hanging Picture Frames look fabulous in your home, business, office, anywhere! This Family Frame makes a perfect gift and beautiful decor. Depending on the style you order, these solid wood...