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Full Text: Dog Texting Codes: BOL - Bark Out Loud. OMDT - Over My Dead Toy. HAW - Humans Are Watching. OMD - Oh My Dog. TTTP - Talk To The Paw. ROFB - Rolling On The Floor Barking. SMB - Smell My...
Full Text:
forever yours (dog holding heart)
Size: 7x7 inches
Made from solid knotty pine
Flat edges for shelf-sitting
Routed slot in back for hanging
Full Text: I hate it when I see an old person, and then I realize we went to school together. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for optional shelf-sitting Routed...
Full Text: I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom, for me and you. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. Features: Size: 9x18 inches Made from solid knotty pine Beveled edges...